

Episode 331: Exit Humanity (2011)

Exit Humanity (2011)Watch the trailer!

The final film of our Halloween season, and the second in our pairing of more modern takes on the Zombie sub-genre, is anything but modern in it setting. 2011's "Exit Humanity," directed by John Geddes, chronicles a zombie outbreak near the end of the U.S. Civil War. Narrated by the wonderful Brian Cox, the film follows Edward Young (Mark Gibson), a veteran who has had to contend with the zombie outbreak, including killing his wife who had turned into one of the shambling dead. He then departs his homestead in search of his missing 11-year-old son. After discovering his son's fate, he enters a seemingly abandoned town to forage for supplies and comes face-to-face with Isaac (Adam Seybold), who enlists Edward's help rescuing his sister Emma (Jordan Hayes) from the renegade General Williams (Bill Moseley) and his squad of hunters, including Medic Johnson (Stephen McHattie) who is trying to figure out the medical-basis for the zombie outbreak and, if possible, concoct a cure. After Edward is wounded rescuing Emma, they seek assistance from Eve (the legendary Dee Wallace), a local healer who was outcast from her village. Together, Edward, Isaac, Emma, and Eve attempt to figure out a life together, all the while dealing with concurrent threats from the zombies and from General Williams' band. Plus, the trio reveal their first two-for-one tribute to two amazing actresses who have recently passed away!

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